A screenshot from the Libretime interface, from scheduling a Webstream in a show (Zachary Klosko)

Libretime Radio Automation

by Zachary Klosko

Libretime is an open-source radio automation and playout software, designed for internet radio stations but increasingly used by low-power FM stations during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Before (left) and after (right) screenshots of a website redesign for the Libretime project.


  1. To give the project more control over our website. The Libretime website was run using mkdocs, a documentation site builder, and was hosted by the project’s Github repository. Mkdocs is relatively simple, but is directly designed for making documentation websites.
  2. To make our website more approachable. One of the project’s contributers had built out a custom splash page for us, but we couldn’t publish it with mkdocs.
  3. To keep all materials for the project within one repository. A move to Wordpress was considered, but would require us to spread out resources and make contributing to the documentation more difficult for volunteers.

Jekyll, a static site generator with native Github Pages integration, helped us meet all of our goals with our website.

The main documentation page

Layout and theming for the article pages


  • Jekyll, the static site generator
  • Bootstrap, a theming framework using CSS and SASS
  • Github Pages, for free hosting!